Localisation Initiative Holds National Conference to Refine Localization Performance Measurement Methodology of Yemen

Localisation Initiative Holds National Conference to Refine Localization Performance Measurement Methodology of Yemen
Yemen, the localisation Initiative – August 18, 2024 –
A significant step forward in enhancing localization efforts in Yemen’s humanitarian response was taken today as the Localization Initiative convened an online national conference to revise the Localization Performance Measurement Methodology. The event brought together over 40 representatives from 30 organizations across Yemen, including Hadramout, Marib, Aden, Taiz, Sana’a, and Hodeidah.
The methodology, a cornerstone of the localization strategy, is designed to assess and improve the effectiveness of localization indicators in Yemen's humanitarian response. It aligns with global standards such as the Grand Bargain and IASC guidelines while addressing the unique context of the country.
The conference provided a platform for participants to discuss the methodology, share insights, and contribute to its refinement. The revised methodology aims to:
- Track and evaluate the implementation of the localization agenda in Yemen.
- Assess the effectiveness of partnerships between stakeholders.
- Guide thematic groups and stakeholders in their localization efforts.
- Inform policy and decision-making to enhance localization practices.
- Strengthen transparency and accountability in the localization process.
Beyond these core objectives, the methodology will:
- Identify gaps and inform advocacy efforts for local and national actors.
- Support in-depth analysis of the localisation performance dimensions and provide evidence-based advocacy.
- Address cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, risk sharing, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
- The methodology provides a practical guide for local actors to self-evaluate their partnerships and relationships with donors and intermediaries
- Provide a reference point for international actors to understand local priorities.
By refining this essential tool, the Localization Initiative aims to strengthen localization efforts, improve humanitarian aid delivery, and empower local organizations to lead the response to their communities’ needs.
Participant Name | Organization | Email Address |
Dalia Abdullah Ali Moqbel | Altwasul for Human Development | Pr@altwasul.org |
Saleh Mahfouz Salem Musaed | Basma foundation for child development and woman | msaed181@gmail.com |
Safaa Taha Saleh Muhammad | Basmat Safaa Foundation for Humanitarian Development | safaafoundtion2022@gmail.com |
Amani Idris | Best Future Foundation (BFF) | |
Najwa Abdullah Aladhi | Best Future Foundation (BFF) | najwa42001@hotmail.com |
Sameera Handal | Care | Sameera.Handal@care.org |
Nabata Muhammad Saleh Qatabish | Children's House Organization (House for the Homeless) | nabata@child-home.org |
Abdulrahman Alasali | Danish Refugee Council | abdulrahman.alasali@drc.ngo |
Ahmed Alashwal | Danish Refugee Council | ahmed.alashwal@drc.ngo |
Suad Ahmed | DEEM for Development Organization | suad@deemyemen.org |
Jamal Al-Shami | Democratic School | Alshami16@hotmail.com |
AMAL ABDULWASEA MOHAMMED HASSAN | Experts for development | amal.alaghbari@edoyemen.org |
Ahmed Ahmed Al-Hassani | Experts for Development Foundation | ahmed.alhassan@edoyemen.org |
Ansam Qais Faisal Al-Fakih | Field Medical Foundation | ansam.qais@fmfyemen.org |
Early morning | For all foundation for development | forall.yemen@gmail.com |
Nusiba Nabil Madgha | Gusoor for peace and coexistence | mnossiba@gmail.com |
Muhammad Ahmed | Humanitarian Work Library - Yemen | mohd2011.3@gmail.com |
Roma Muhammad Ismail | Khadija Foundation for Development | khadijiayemen@gmail.com |
Abdulqawi Hajeb | Localisation and Optimization of Response Initiative In Yemen | abdulqawi.hajeb@gmail.com |
Ali Daoud | Make Hope Foundation for Development & Relief | makehoperelife@gmail.com |
Ayid Sharyan | MEAL Center for Monitoring and Evaluation | ayid.sharyan@mealcenter.org |
Abdullah Ali Nasser Makin | MonaRelief | a.makin@monareliefye.org |
Fatma Ahmed | MOZN Foundation | info@mozn-ye.org |
Redha Qusaila | Nabd Organization (NDEO) | malhammadi@ndeoye.org |
Marwa Mohsen | Nahda Makers Organization | Marwa.mohsen@nahdamakers.org |
Husam Alshaibani | Oxfam GB | halshibani@oxfam.org.uk |
Thekra Alnageeb | Ramz Development Foundation | info@rdfyemen.org |
Farah Zaid | Reduction of Humanitarian Disaster Organization | info@rhd-ye.org |
Ejlal Yahya | Relief & Development Peer Foundation (RDP) | ejlal.yahya@rdpf.org |
Saddam Muhammad Qayed Haddan | Relief and Development Peer Foundation | shadn@rdpf.org |
Saddam Mohammed | Relief and development peer foundation RDP | hadnsaddam@gmail.com |
Laila Othman Heba Yahya | Rouhal Development Foundation | laila2014467@gmail.com |
Amal Muhammad | Sada Foundation for Building & Development | E-sfbd.awahban@gmail.com |
Bakr Hadi Sanaa | Sada Foundation for Building & Development | info@sada-sfbd.org |
Walid Ahmed | Sada Foundation for Building & Development | walid@sada-sfbd.org |
Saleh Muhammad Laqsam | Steps Foundation for Civil Development | salehleqsam@gmail.com |
Musheer Abdo Hamid Alsharabi | Sustainable Developent Fouundation | malsharabi@sdfyemen.org |
Jameel Abdu | Tameen Youth Foundation | j.abdu@tamdeen-ye.org |
Hassan Yahya Ayesh Baqadi | Yemani Foundation for Development and Relief | Hassan.172317@gmail.com |
M. Almekhlafi | Yemen Family Care Association | m.mekhlafi@yfca.ngo |
Waleed Adam Mohammed Othman Al Hajj | Yemen Family Care Association | w.alhajj@yfca.org |
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